Recent Hosting Updates

user image 2015-08-06
By: brian
Posted in: featured
Recent Hosting Updates

We've been hard at work here "behind the scenes" improving Jamroom Hosting, and while many of our recent changes are small, there's been a lot of work put into making the system faster, more stable and easier to use.

Today we have just taken the wraps off a big piece of our hosting puzzle - Server Backups.  Previously when you wanted to restore a backup of your server, you would have to open a ticket with us and we would handle the restoral for you.  However, it was a FULL server restoral - in other words, the entire server was wiped out and restored.  While this worked just fine, it was often "overkill" if you happened to be working on a new domain and just needed a few things restored.

With our new Backups we are rolling out today, all backups are handled at the Domain level - just like everything else in Jamroom Hosting.  This lets you restore a single Domain on your server without impacting (or even shutting down) your server.  This way any other domains on your server will be unaffected.  We've found that often the users that need a site restored are those that are doing active development on a NEW site - so this makes things A LOT more flexible as you can simply restore the domain you are working on to the previous backup.

Currently we are maintaining one FULL backup, and then a weeks worth of Incremental backups , and you can restore to any of them in your Domain Settings section.  Note that if your site is really large, it can take several hours for the restoral to be completed.

You will find the new "Restore from Backup" option in your Domain Settings section.  We have also reorganized the Domain Settings section to hopefully make things a bit cleaner and simpler to understand.

Some other updates:

  • You can now change the Master Admin user name (as well as the password) from your Domain Settings -> Change Jamroom Admin Info section.  Note that this requires the Master Admin be user_id #1 - if you have deleted and re-created the Master Admin account, then this will not work (you can contact us if you are locked out of your Jamroom for any reason).
  • The "Import a Jamroom 5 Site" tool has been updated to be a bit more robust and can now work with FTP servers that are running on a different IP Address than the web server.

Hopefully these new changes make it even easier for you when you're working in the Hosting control panel.  If anyone has any questions or spots any issues, please let us know :)

