Forum Activity for @boplive

01/18/24 06:57:47PM
335 posts

Profile Image Id for logged in user

Design and Skin Customization

Glad it worked and relearning never ends just makes things exciting to look forward to
01/18/24 06:39:26PM
335 posts

Profile Image Id for logged in user

Design and Skin Customization

This always seems to work for me

{jrUser_home_profile_key key="profile_name" assign="profile_name"}
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrUser" type="user_image" item_id=$_user._user_id size="icon" crop="auto" alt=$profile_name title=$profile_name width=28 height=28 _v=$_user.user_image_time class="user-img"}

In your css file
..user-img {
border-radius: 50%;
width: 18px;

Let me know if this works
04/25/23 05:35:56AM
335 posts

adding a right side menu sidebar

Design and Skin Customization

I'm gonna take a look at that setup of the profile menu fixed code as well.....thanks for the help
04/14/23 01:17:03PM
335 posts

adding a right side menu sidebar

Design and Skin Customization

ahhh I think I got it too work (well still needs a little tweak and here and there l...i finally understood what you meant and setup the grid columns between both header.tpl and the beginning I was only placing in the header.tpl..and it wasn't working..thanks for the right direction...will keep you posted :)
04/14/23 08:52:30AM
335 posts

adding a right side menu sidebar

Design and Skin Customization

hi Douglass, I tried it but it didn't work, can you provide me with the function to wrap the code so you can see how I added it in the Beatslinger2 header.

Its been so long that I have posted here that I forgot what to wrap it with so it can display for you to see..i thought it was {literal} {/literal} to wrap everything
updated by @boplive: 04/14/23 08:56:28AM
04/13/23 12:36:15PM
335 posts

adding a right side menu sidebar

Design and Skin Customization

Hi guys,

I know it’s been a while, just hope everyone is good so far going into this year.

So, I’m looking to add a right sidebar menu possibly fixed that will display on both a desktop and tablet, not worried to much about it on mobile I can make an adjustment on that.

I know all these skins are base of being responsive, with the menu drop down menu stage on the top from the header.
Would like to try the menu sidebar on the right side of the page now.

I tried a few spot on the header file as per below sample which I kind of got from this link

Adding right side column to all pages

excuse the spaces and brackets in the div below,

div id=wrapper
div class= row
div class=col9

div id=content

div class=col3
my test file

still no luck with what I tried

updated by @boplive: 07/24/23 10:53:52PM
09/28/22 07:25:32AM
335 posts

Adding a verified check badge system to jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

I'm still messing around with
trying to wrap my head on what make sense for me and how to lay it out on the template :)
09/23/22 09:21:19AM
335 posts

Adding a verified check badge system to jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

I'll give it a shot and if there's no luck at my end , I will reach out to you guys Nate if I run into any probs.

As always thanx for a quick response and solution

09/21/22 04:42:39AM
335 posts

Adding a verified check badge system to jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

Hi guys,

Any chance in the near future a verified check badge system to validate profiles are authentic will be implemented into the jamroom system..

Some sites may not need it, but there could be others that will probably want that verified check badge. Lots of these social media site have them, etc.

Instagram has it, Twitter has it.. etc

updated by @boplive: 12/27/22 11:11:45AM
12/06/21 10:01:31AM
335 posts

the click "more" of a Blog in the Timeline is not working

Design and Skin Customization

Hi guys,

I tried a few skins, the click "more" of a Blog in Timeline is not working, no dropdown content to continue the Blog..

I went back to the Demos page and they don't work there as well as you can see per the demos link below

updated by @boplive: 03/06/22 10:41:00PM