Graphs in Jamroom
Design and Skin Customization
Here's the example from the "Daily Active Users" graph:
In the _init() function
$_tmp = array(
'title' => 'Daily Active Users',
'function' => 'jrUser_graph_daily_active_users',
'group' => 'admin'
jrCore_register_module_feature('jrGraph', 'graph_config', 'jrUser', 'daily_active_users', $_tmp);
The title and the function are defined.
Then the structure for the data set is setup in that function:
* Daily Active Users
* @param $module string Module
* @param $name string Name of Graph to create
* @param $_args array Passed in Parameters
* @return array
function jrUser_graph_daily_active_users($module, $name, $_args)
$dys = (int) $_args['days'];
$old = (time() - ($dys * 86400));
$old = jrCore_format_time($old, false, '%Y%m%d');
return array(
'_sets' => array(
0 => array(
'label' => "Daily Active Users",
'date_format' => '%m/%d/%Y',
'minTickSize' => "[1, 'day']",
'type' => 'line',
'pointRadius' => 3,
'_data' => jrCore_get_graph_stat_values('jrUser', 'active_users', 'daily', $old)
Then it can be turned on in the dashboard.
The graphing module is Flot, its docs are here