Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

02/07/23 05:25:42PM
693 posts

New Google Analytics GA4

Using Jamroom

Hmmm... looked again at the JR code and the Google script and found different use of empty spaces. After changing the spaces, JR system accepted the script:
"The template has been successfully updated"

So I will reset the caches and see what happens next!
02/07/23 05:16:44PM
693 posts

New Google Analytics GA4

Using Jamroom


Just now I tried to replace the existing global.tpl content with exactly what Google provided, and was given the following error message by the JR system. What can be done next?


There are syntax error(s) in your template - please fix and try again:
Syntax error in template "data/cache/jrCore/test_template_ga449sve.tpl" on line 5 "function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}" - Unexpected ".", expected one of: "}"
02/07/23 02:53:44AM
693 posts

New Google Analytics GA4

Using Jamroom

Today I received the notice from Google about switching over to GA4. For manual installation (not using the Google tools for major CMS products) they give instructions for manual installation, as below. Exactly how do we place this script in our own site? Will the updated JR module be able to do this for us?! (I have taken out the html brackets)

Thanks, hopefully... Peter

" Install the Google tag manually

Below is the Google tag for this account. Copy and paste it in the code of every page of your website, immediately after the head element. Don’t add more than one Google tag to each page. "

!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --
script async src=""/script
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());

gtag('config', 'G-blahblahblah');

updated by @researchcooperative: 05/10/23 10:03:32AM
10/26/22 02:01:05AM
693 posts

Add a private note compose button on displayed Profile Pages?


When I visit the profile of a someone in my network, I sometimes have the urge to send that person a private note.

To do this I have to (i) click out of the profile and into my own account menu, (ii) find the Private Notes sub-tab and open that, (iii) click on the tab to create a new note, then (iv) compose the note and (v) send.

If it is possible to have a Private Notes tab appear in the profile title, then the aim would be to be able to send a note with a direct (i) click, (ii) compose and (ii) send sequence.... without needing to leave the profile page.

Would this be a generally useful feature? Is it technically possible?
updated by @researchcooperative: 03/27/23 10:05:03AM
10/26/22 01:49:41AM
693 posts

Mailgun validations

Using Jamroom

Since multiple sites will be running off the JR mailgun account, I presume this means the validation option has to be "not enabled" as sorting out the extra cost per site would be a headache for JR. If we individually use mailgun, we can choose to pay for the validation.

Seems all good to me.

10/23/22 04:43:23PM
693 posts

Profile Bio

Using Jamroom

In my network, the Bio Info field only appears on the public-facing page when info has been entered by the profile owner. Maybe that is the first thing to check. If information has been entered and it is not displayed then there may be a problem.

The profile form designer pages (create & settings) should also be checked to be sure that profile owners can see the field when looking at their profile details. In my case, the group "All logged-in users" can see this field.
updated by @researchcooperative: 10/23/22 04:44:47PM
10/23/22 04:33:22PM
693 posts

Mailgun validations

Using Jamroom

In the "Keys" information associated with user accounts, I see the following message:

user_jrMailGun_validated{"message":"Validations are not enabled.","time":1664883697}

Since I am running off the JR mailgun account, I presume not running validation tests is a setting decision made by JR.

Is this OK?

(Are the validation tests the same thing as ping tests?)
updated by @researchcooperative: 01/30/23 07:37:31PM
09/24/22 05:22:02AM
693 posts

A Watermarks module would be nice!

Using Jamroom

Here is what I have found so far:

1. To watermark images displayed profiles in a particular quota:

ACP->Modules->Image Support->Quota Config->Watermark-->checkbox "Watermark Images"

If this option is checked, when an image is displayed it will be watermarked using the watermark image that is active in the Image Support -> Images tab.

2. To change the watermark:

ACP->Modules->Image Support->Images tab.

Under the images tab, three default images are shown that are provided by Jamroom.

The default watermark is a transparent png with the Jamroom logo. When a Custom transparency is added, it appears in the middle column and is used if the "active" box is checked.

3. The custom watermark will not take effect until we do a cache reset: ACP-->System Tools-->Reset Image caches

4. Currently, it appears that only one watermark image can be set up for the entire social network. The same image will be shown on displayed images on all profiles in any quota for which Quota Config has been used to add a watermark.

5. In Gallery, the watermark appears on all displayed images, even in the Lightbox, but when the image is downloaded, the watermark disappears.

6. It appears that individual profile owners (in a social network with many users) cannot watermark Gallery images that they wish to keep copyright control over. This might make it difficult to set up a profile as a shopfront for selling images. In the following location, there is a checkbox to limit the watermark to images for sale:

ACP-->Modules-->Image Support-->Quota Config-->Watermark-->Only Images for Sale

This would be useful for a network with only one purpose for images (i.e. selling).

Note: A photoshop express account at / can be used to make photos transparent and download as png (transparent). The desktop app for photoshop has transparency options thoroughly hidden.
updated by @researchcooperative: 09/24/22 05:23:57PM
09/24/22 12:34:41AM
693 posts

A Watermarks module would be nice!

Using Jamroom

Currently it seems that:
(1) there is no JR documentation for using watermarks,
(2) the Image Support module gives little guidance,
(3) there are a few scattered Support forum threads that do not lead to much information.

It would be wonderful if Users could choose to add watermarks to images in their own profile galleries.

For a social network, it is not of much practical use to have just a single watermark that applies to all Galleries.

At a minimum, it would be useful to have instructions in the Documentation on how to manage the existing watermark system.

updated by @researchcooperative: 12/23/22 10:23:49AM
09/16/22 09:51:29PM
693 posts

Home page vs Landing Page

Using Jamroom

Thanks for providing clues for the clueless!

Using Site Builder and the >>>Page Settings, I could change the home page URL to sitename/home and the All Services URL to sitename/

Now the main function of the network is first and foremost on the landing page, and "Home" is still there to give visitors a comfortable starting point and overall introduction.

Now it will be interesting to see if this has any positive effect.... (currently the search terms for the two words in my site name place us at the top of 1,150,000,000 results in G*gle search, so I have some hope we can be seen).